Quarterly Chapter Meeting
Blue Bell Country Club
1800 Tournament Drive
Blue Bell, PA 19422
Cost: $45.00 for Members - $55.00 for Non-members
SEPA Presents:
The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the US Department of Labor
Robin Hildick, Economist, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Economic Analysis and Information
The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the US Department of Labor is the principal Federal agency responsible for measuring labor market activity, working conditions, and price changes in the economy. To do so, the Bureau collects and analyzes data from tens of thousands of businesses and households, publishing it in a relevant and timely manner in over a dozen different programs. This presentation will give an overview of these programs, with information on what data are available, what they mean, and how they can be useful to government, business, and public users.
Our presenter, Robin Hildick is a senior economist with the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Hailing from the outskirts of London, he found himself moving to this side of the pond over a decade ago. Since then, Robin has helped people from academia, government, and the world of business with labor data they didn't even know they needed. His passion for data has driven him to write countless press releases and attended dozens of conferences, which is lucky since that's also his job description. Robin has a BS in Economics from The College of New Jersey and a Master of Applied Statistics from Penn State.
Dinner Menu
The dinner menu will be “The Farmer’s Delight.” A selection of seasonal soup, farm greens, oven roasted chicken, pasta primavera, seasonal vegetables and cheesecake. If you have special dietary needs, please contact Jen at vicepresident@sepaapa.org.
Please remember that if your membership is due for renewal, you must first renew your membership online before you will be able to register at the member rate. Membership renewal is located in the Membership section of the SEPA website.
Registration for this event will close as of February 5, 2018 or earlier if registration reaches room capacity. Walk-ins cannot be guaranteed a seat and will only be allowed into the event at the chapter's discretion based on available accommodations.
Community Outreach
Tiny Miracles Rescue
Tiny Miracles is an all volunteer rescue organization dedicated to help companion animals in high kill facilities find refuge in a foster home until transitioned into a forever home, Tiny Miracles also serves as a resource to our local community, as well as communities in need, by providing education on the importance of spay and neuter and offering financial help to those pet guardians who need it.
Our greatest need, other than foster homes, is:
-Wet and Dry Food for both cats and dogs (Kittens and puppies, too)
-Treats for cats and dogs.
-Our rescue pups would also love antlers, teaser balls (all sizes) and kongs!
Thank you for your support!